Sunday, July 5, 2009

had to work the fourth, but went to dinner on the water with some good friends to celebrate USA. my favorite country, by far. :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

sweet birthday breakfast w my mom and pops! i had delicious potatoes smothered in cheese and calories. mmmm. :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

my grandma knows me so well.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i have entered unchartered territory... a new plane... the z-axis. i officially have straight across bangs. this could be cute or fatal.

ohhhh, and i bought the cutest little lamp at a garage sale!
picture time. BAM.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

my life goals:

1. i want a golden retriever. not really a goal but whatever. his name shall be einstein or chewbacca.
2. write a novel or two. dur.
3. own a small coffee shop/bookstore. mixed into one.
4. live somewhere snowy.
5. learn to knit!
6. quit consuming dairy products. don't get me started on the milk theory.
7. travel, that's pretty obvious though.
8. have an advice column.
9. impact the world, no matter how small, in a positive light.

i'm totally reading that book called 'the host' by stephanie meyer (twilight series). it's actually better than twilight, which really isn't difficult at all, but renting it from books-a-million was a wee bit embarrassing. whatever, i ain't payin' for that shiiiii.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Guy #1: Mario and Luigi are so Mexican.
Guy #2: What?! Are you crazy? They're Italian, duh!
Guy #1: No, but they've got the mustache, you know? That's so Mexican!
Guy #2: No, they have Italian mustaches!
Guy #1: Psst, you do know what the whole point of the game is, right?
Guy #2: Yeah, these two Italian guys go and save some kidnapped princess.
Guy #1: Really? I thought it was about two Mexicans trying to hop the border.

if you haven't seen, you need to prioritize your life.
my aunt's kittens! i wanted to steal one... not the one on the right though.